Zachráňme prírodný amfiteáter sokoliarov Aquila z Bojníc !!!
Cieľ výzvy
Zachovanie kultúrneho dedičstva pre ďaľšie generácie v Bojniciach !!!
Zachráňme prírodný amfiteáter sokoliarov Aquila z Bojníc !!!
Prosíme o pomoc pri záchrane prírodného amfiteátra sokoliarov Aquila z Bojníc. Po 20tich rokoch sme od štátu dostali možnosť odkúpiť pozemky pod amfiteátrom iba za sumu 126.720€ z celkovej sumy nám chýba 37.800€ a preto prosíme všetkých, ktorý majú záujem podporiť činnosť sokoliarov v Bojniciach aby tak urobili, aby Bojnice neprišli o jednu zo svojich krásnych atrakcií. Vopred všetkým ďakujeme za pomoc.
We would like to ask for a help from the reason of rescue of natural amphitheatre of falconers Aquila from Bojnice. After 20 years, we become a offer to buy lands where the amphitheatre stay - only of amount 126.720€ / we miss 37.800€, so we kindly ask you, you all who will support falconers in Bojnice, to make a good thing. So that Bojnice don´t loose one of theirs beautiful atraction. In advance we would like to say thank you to all for a help !
Viac z našej histórie a o našej činnosti sa dozviete na našej stránke
Ak máte záujem pomôcť areálu sokoliarov Aquila Bojnice, prosím kontaktujte nás na e-mailovej adrese : Jozef Tomik:, poprípade pre komunikáciu v angličtine : Alexandra Moštková : v taliančine Monica Brivonese, Italy:
20 year ago was built on an old dump near Bojnice castle an amphitheatre, which serves to visitors to be more closely meet predators, their unique, to admire their beauty, during their flights. The amphitheatre was built from the reason to be one of the oldest and most beautiful art – art of falconers. We want to promote the times of Great Moravia, to help all birds with injures.
UNESCO made an agreement - falconry is a culture intangible heritage (in some countries). We´re trying, the falconry will have same seriousness in Slovakia too.
We´re trying to keep unique art, we´re trying to keep an amphitheatre near Bojnice castle – the only in Slovak republic. So, if you have a possibility to support falconers Aquila, please help. It will help another generations to know the unique art of falconers.
Skrátená žiadosť o pomoc do angličtiny a taliančiny:
Drahí priatelia,
potrebujeme vašu pomoc! Priatelia pokiaľ máte možnosť a hlavne záujem pomôcť podporiť náš prírodný amfiteáter sokoliarov AQUILA z Bojníc tak musíme zohnať (zozbierať) čím skôr 37800€ zo sumy 126000€, ktoré musíme zaplatiť štátu za pozemok, na ktorom sa nachádza náš amfiteáter. Vaša prvá pomoc zachráni náš areál a pre vás znamená reklamné promo vo forme reklamy od sokoliarov. Ak podporíte vy nás, my podporíme vás.
Ak máte záujem pomôcť areálu sokoliarov Aquila Bojnice, prosím kontaktujte nás na e-mailovej adrese : Jozef Tomik:, poprípade pre komunikáciu v angličtine : Alexandra Moštková : or Monica Brivonese, Italy:
Dear friends,
We need your help! If you have the possibility and especially if you are interested in helping to support our Nature amphitheater of the falconers AQUILA from Bojnice, we have to collect an amount of € 37.800 to from € 126.000 as soon as possible. The garniture of Slovak republic wants from us to pay a money for the land where is our amphitheater located. Your „first aid“ will save our areal and it will be a special promotion for you. We will provide an ad banner or another type of promotion in an area of Falconers. You support us, we will support you.
Thanks a lot to all who will help us.
If you are interested in a help and you want to support us, please contact us by e-mail adress: Jozef Tomik: , to communicate in english please contact : Alexandra Moštková : or Monica Brivonese, Italy:
"Cari Amici se avete la possibilita e soprattutto l'interesse di
aiutarci a sostenere il nostro Amfiteatro naturale dei falconieri
di Bojnice,
dobbiamo trovare (raccogliere) prima possibile 37.800 EUR su un
totale di 126.000 EUR che dobbiamo pagare allo stato per il terreno su
cui si trova il nostro amfiteatro.
Ringraziamo anticipatamente tutti coloro che ci aiuteranno!!!!
Per piu informazioni potete contattare per e-mail: Jozef Tomik :
per contatti in inglese: Alexandra Moštková :
in Italia Monica Brivonese:
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