
Zbierka na financovanie jedinej možnosti na vyliečenie - imunoterapie

Trvanie výzvy: 17. januára 2023 - 17. januára 2024

Cieľ výzvy

Všetky vyzbierané peniaze budú použité výhradne na zaplatenie potrebných dávok imunoterapie, a my s mamou Vám budeme za akúkoľvek pomoc, či zdieľanie zo srdca vďační. * All the money collected will be used exclusively to pay for the necessary doses of immunotherapy and together with my mum we will be grateful deep from our hearts for any kind of help, sharing and your thoughts.

Autor výzvy


Zbierka na financovanie jedinej možnosti na vyliečenie - imunoterapie

Imunoterapia má pomôcť imunitnému systému odhaliť nádorové bunky, ktoré sám nedokáže vždy správne rozoznať, a zároveň ho posilňuje, aby dokázal nádor zničiť. Pre našu mamu je práve imunoterapia poslednou možnosťou liečby, o ktorej vieme, že zaberá a už raz jej pomohla vyzdravieť aj vďaka Vám a množstvu podpory, ktorú sme od Vás dostali. Po dvoch rokoch musíme s liečbou pokračovať, ale zdravotná poisťovňa liečbu opätovne odmieta uhrádzať.

Naša mama by pre nás urobila čokoľvek. Rovnako ako všetky naše mamy. Má 74 rokov, no jej energiou, silou a optimizmom sa jej nevyrovnám. Napriek tomu, čím si prechádza, je to vždy ona, kto utešuje ostatných, nikdy ju nestretnete so zlou náladou a stále je tou najaktívnejšou a najpracovitejšou osobou akú poznám. Karcinóm krčka maternice jej diagnostikovali prvýkrát v roku 2014, kedy podstúpila hysterektómiu a niekoľko cyklov chemo/rádioterapie. Už v tom čase bola choroba v pokročilejšom štádiu, napriek tomu sa vyliečila a my sme počas 4 rokov na to ťažké obdobie úplne zabudli. Ochorenie sa jej však neskôr dvakrát vrátilo a mama musela prejsť viacerými cyklami chemoterapie, rádioterapie, biologickou liečbou a má za sebou tri operácie. Keď už chemoterapia pre ňu prestala byť účinnou, hľadali sme iné spôsoby liečby, ktoré by jej mohli pomôcť. Jedinou možnosťou z pohľadu doktorov zostala imunoterapia, o ktorú sme museli sami žiadať, keďže ešte stále na Slovensku nepatrila medzi štandardnú liečbu. Je veľmi finančne náročná, liek sa podáva v trojtýždňových intervaloch, pričom jedna dávka stojí 4170 eur. Vďaka predošlej zbierke a Vašej obrovskej pomoci sme mame mohli v roku 2020 liečbu zaplatiť a ona bola počas nasledujúceho obdobia úplne zdravá. Sme Vám zato nesmierne vďační. *Liek Keytruda, pred dvoma rokmi schválený len na liečbu rakoviny kože, je v súčasnosti Európskou liekovou agentúrou schválený aj na diagnózu rakoviny krčka maternice. Napriek tomu a skutočnosti, že jeho úspešnosť a výsledky boli už po ôsmich cykloch liečby prekvapivé aj pre samotných doktorov, nám ho Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa znovu odmieta uhradiť. A keďže sa mame ochorenie pred časom vrátilo, prešla nanovo konvenčnou liečbou/niekoľkými mesiacmi chemoterapie, po ktorej sa jej stav začal naopak zhoršovať, ocitli sme sa v rovnakej situácii. Zakladáme preto opäť túto zbierku, vďaka ktorej sa mama mohla pred dvoma rokmi vyliečiť. Za akúkoľvek pomoc Vám vopred zo srdca ďakujeme.

**Immunotherapy treatment for our mumImmunotherapy is helping the immune system to detect cancer cells which it cannot always recognize properly. The immune system is being strengthened at the same time so that it can destroy the tumor itself. Unlike conventional chemotherapy, this treatment focuses only on cancer cells and does not damage healthy cells in the body. However, immunotherapy is still not one of the standard treatments for cancer in Slovakia. It is very financially demanding and even if you are a suitable patient for it, the insurance company is not covering its costs. Therefore, for many patients it's almost impossible to get a treatment that can save their lives. After long years battling cancer, for our mum it's the only treatment available which we know is effective and destroyed all her tumor cells two years ago. Thanks to you and the amount of support we received from you, mom was able to heal and be healthy again after only 8 cycles of treatment. We are also very glad we could advise other patients with cervical cancer turning to us while dealing with the same problem, whose lives are also being saved today thanks to this treatment. However, we are facing the same situation, the disease is back and despite the excellent results and the approval of the drug by the European Medicines Agency even for the diagnosis of cervical cancer, the insurance company refuses to reimburse the treatment again.All our mums are the same, they would do anything for us. Our mum is already in her 70s, but even myself I can't match her energy, strenght and optimism. Despite everything she went through, it's been always her the brightest person around, consoling everyone, she is the most active, hardworking person I know and her greatest joy today are her grandchildren. She was diagnosed with cervical cancer for the first time in 2014, her disease being at a more advanced stage from the very beginning. At that time she underwent invasive surgery (hysterectomy) and several cycles of chemo/radiotherapy. She responded well to the treatment and during the next 4 years she has been completely healthy again. We have quickly forgotten about this very difficult period. However, her disease returned twice after and she had to undergo several cycles of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, biological treatment and a total of three surgeries since then. When the chemotherapy stopped being effective, we had to look for other treatments. According to the doctors, immunotherapy is the only available option for my mum. Immunotherapy is helping the immune system to detect cancer cells which it cannot always recognize properly. The immune system is being strenghtened at the same time so that it can destroy the tumor itself. Due to the fact, that it is still not a standard treatment in Slovakia, we had no choice as to request it ourselves. It is very financially demanding, it is necessary to receive it every three weeks, while one dose costs 4170 eur. Thanks to this campaign and your huge support, we were able to pay for my mother's treatment in 2020, and she was completely healthy during the following period. We are extremely grateful.Keytruda, the immunotherapy medicine, which cured our mum two years ago while only being approved for the treatment of skin cancer, is now approved by the European Medicines Agency for the diagnosis of cervical cancer as well. Despite its success and great results after only 8 cycles of treatment my mum went through in 2020, which has been surprising even for the doctors themselves, the insurance company currently refuses to cover our costs for immunotherapy again. And since my mother's disease returned some time ago, she went again through conventional treatment/several months of chemotherapy, after which her condition began to deteriorate, we have found ourselves in the same situation. Therefore, our only possibility is to restart this fundraising campaign, thanks to which mom was able to heal two years ago. We would like to thank you in advance from the bottom of our hearts for any kind of help.

Ďalšie informácie

Zoznam darov (73)

Najvyšší dar: 150 €Priemerná výška daru: 30.88 €
Dátum darovania Darca Typ daru Výška daru
15.1.2025 Dobrý človek Jednorazový 2,00 €
13.1.2025 Dobrý človek Jednorazový 50,00 €
13.1.2025 Karol MartonDar z lasky Jednorazový 10,00 €
13.1.2025 Jana Onderčinová Jednorazový 30,00 €
13.1.2025 Tomáš Boldiš Jednorazový 10,00 €
2.1.2025 Dobrý človek Jednorazový 30,00 €
30.12.2024 Štefan Daňko Jednorazový 10,00 €
27.12.2024 Jana Solárová Pravidelný 20,00 €
25.12.2024 Jana Solárová Pravidelný 20,00 €
23.12.2024 Jana Serbaková Jednorazový 20,00 €
...Načítať ďalšie...

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